Saturday, January 21, 2012

Men On The Milan Runway

Hommous N Higheels presents Milan Fashion Week 2012 . From the 14th to the 18th of January the city of milan , lived up to its reputation of being one of the biggest Fashion capitals of the world . The runways featured high fashion collections for Fall / Winter - 2012/2013 Men .
We will leave the reviews for a later date .  Today your only task is to sit back and take in the visual delight . We have picked the best of each collection and will be featuring 36 of the best brands over 6 posts . So stay tuned !

Today we are featuring Armani , Gucci , Trussardi , Prada , Versace , Canali .







Stay Tuned for More Tomorrow

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Taming The Mane in 2012

Hair Trends ,Tips & How To's
Ever heard the saying " A women's crowning glory is her hair  " ? Truth be told its much more than just a crown . Nowadays , no ensemble is complete without the proper hair do . The fashion fabulous know that there isn't any excuse for dull greasy hair in a ponytail,no matter how expensive the clothes . Contrary to that , a shiny yet carelessly tossed  blow out can make a pair of faded jeans and a baby doll tee look deliberately designer ! Your hair is what frames your face and adds volumes to your personality.

Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself.  ~Hubert de Givenchy, Vogue, July 1985

Here is a jamboree of the latest styles & haircuts for the year 2012 . Carefully select your hairstyle to match the look of your ensemble and you will up your X factor quotient by 50%.

Hair Styles  for Long Hair 
Big Blow Dry 

 © Getty Images

This look was featured by Armani 2012 . This look is suitable for any ensemble whether formal or casual . It will go fabulous with a tailored suit or with a summer dress . It is class , elegant as well as very feminine . This look is easily achieved with only the use of a voluminising mousse applied on damp washed hair and then blow dried straight and out with a wide curl at the end , or with a slight wave to the body of hair . Good for those with long hair that is cut to uniform length or with slight layers.

Knot it , Twist it , Turn it ,BRAID it . Any kind of braid is hot this season , the fish bone , herringbone ,five plait ,messy braids , rope braids or gypsee braids . Everything is in vogue this season . The braided chignon this season is sleek ,clean & neat . The long Braided look can be done sleek and wet looked or tossed around and messy . Check out these styles featured on the 2012 runway at New York and Milan .

Michael Kors  © Getty Images

 Armani © Getty Images

Charlize Theron 

Check out the video for a DYI braided wrapped chignon for long to mid length hair (this hairstyle looks good on women too ...don't mind out little friend the model ) Click here.

At home curls and Tight ringlets 

The afro is a look that is very stylish this season and shouldn't only be contained to only women of the African race . Ladies with long hair or even medium length hair that is straight should try this look for a super fabulous make over . Curling your hair into tight baby curls can often be tedious and may even damage your hair if not done properly . Don't resort to a perm because , this is a permanent change that you will not be able to change for a very long time until your hair grows back .Apart from this perms of any kind are not good for healthy hair . Try hot rollers and a hairbrush to achieve an afroish look . 
At home curls are done so easily with hairspray and a medium width curling iron or blow drier . Be sure to use heat protection before using an iron or even a blow drier . After you've curled all the sections of hair gently separate the curls with your fingers and spray them and your ready to head out .

Hairstyles for Medium Hair 

The classic French Twist 

This year , last year , next year , this style never goes OUT of style . The 2012 twist is anything from a classic french ,side or double french twist . This style is suitable for any formal or red carpet event and always oozes class and elegance . Do a careless version of a french twist coupled with a hair stick and you will have a pretty , casual girly look . Click here  to learn how to do a classic french twist ! 

Bangs and Ponytails 

This years pony tails are not just ponytails , they are style statements .Side parted ,slicked back or bumped up are all very fashionable ways  to wear pony . Use styling wax for a very smooth , slick look . To give your pony height , tie it high up near the mid section of your head and use strong elastics to hold up thick hair . 

Donna Karan  © Getty Images

Bangs are always nice for for making you look younger , preppier &cuter . If you are going for a bangs and bows look , try it on preferably a darker hair colour to compliment your skin . Never let the length of your bangs get too long that they are in your eyes . Your hair should not be able to over power your face ; just frame them . 

Bumped up & left 

A continuing trend for last season as well as 2012 is the bumped up back combed looked. This usually results in a high fashion look for any event with its added height and volume . This year this look is featured in a myriad of different ways , with a chignon , a bun , a messy braid or a ponytail . it doesn't matter how it is put together . Its all equally fashion fabulous . 


To learn how to do this at home click here

Side Pinned waves 

One of the coolest , school girl chic looks this season is the side parted & pinned look .Choose a large bejeweled pin or a large slide to tuck your hair back on one side after a middle parting or use multiple coloured bobpins . 

 Prada © Getty Images

The Bob and the Role Up 

These are two hairstyles that are really catching on this season . The role up hairstyle is a modern twist on a very retro look . This hairstyle is very easy to achieve if you have medium length hair cut without layers . After a straight blow dry tease a top section of your hair to give it volume . Spray from behind the section for added volume .  Pin the side sections of your hair to the back center of your head . Smooth over the section from the front over the pinned side sections . Gather the hair at the nape of your neck , roll inward and pin . This look is good with a high fashion ensemble . 

Jill Sander © Getty Images

Hairstyles for Short hair 

The Bob cut and colour 

The bob yet another all time classic and very retro look promises a clean , suave fashion savvy look . Its a very sexy look that will compliment any ensemble. This season try a wavy bob or a tight curled , layered bob . 


The Pixie look 

Need i say more ? The name says it all . This waif like hairstyle is every thing and more a woman needs to make her feel sensual , young , trendy and stylish . This look is so versatile it can change with your moods . It can be made to look cool and elegant or rebellious and preppy . Experiment with hair colours if you have short hair . Short hair has more room for experimenting than women imagine . 

The time to get a new hair cut is always an exciting moment . Before you walk into a salon , find out about how capable and skilled your stylist is . Have a clear picture in mind about what you want . Take a picture along , if necessary . Listen to the stylists advice because they are have a trained eye that knows when a hairdo will not suit you . 

Thats a wrap ! Stay tuned for more on make up tips for this season .....stay FASHION FABULOUS .

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Think Thin Thoughts ... part 2

Here’s part two of the Think Thin Thought post . For those who will not take the time to scroll back to last time’s post , here is a quick recap for a little added incentive .  We discussed binge week before the actual diet , the most logical way to stop craving by realizing that all your favorite  food wont run away and how to find healthy cheats (food substitutes )when on diet .
Now we will really get down to the business of mentally challenging the body to lose weight !
4)Don’t  stalk the weighing scale
This is a mistake most novices make . Have you found your self weighing your self every six hours and obsessing over why you don’t weigh at least 500g less . An important bit of scientific bit of information . The capacity of the stomach is about 1-1 ½ kgs ,depending on your body type , so when you weigh yourself after a meal or even after drinking a liter of water your scale will show that you are that much heavier . Weighing your self on a daily basis can often be discouraging let alone misleading . So please ladies , leave your scale alone . The best way to keep track of your weight is to weigh your self every week and preferably in the morning on an empty stomach .

Let your calorie intake be your measure while on your diet . A normal woman with an  average amount of exercise (moving around ,walking ,climbing stairs and other daily activity) would require about 2000 calories per day to maintain her weight . In order to lose weight  , you need to consume up to 1500 calories to be able to tip the scales and begin to lose weight .However with this calorie intake you will lose weight very very gradually . If you consume this amount but exercise or workout for an hour every day your weight lose should double or even triple for very obese people . If you are one of those people who hate exercise then consuming lesser calories should result in weight loss but it will be inevitable to regain this weight once you start eating normally again . So the best way to keep of the way is to invest your time in doing exercise instead of starving yourself . There are many ways of exercising ,that are fun and not monotonous .
Several women claim to lose weight by consuming only upto 1000 calories or less . WARNING- A diet of less than 800 calories a day can lead to adverse health problems , such as acidity,fainting spells,heat stroke , low sugar and stomach ulcers , non of which are worth the trouble to loss a couple of pounds .
To find out how many calories you need to consume according to your body type click here
Here is a handy calorie counter according to every food’s calorific value.
Heres is one for Indian Food for those who have a tough time calculating calories for every vegetable found in a typical Indian curry

And finally and most importantly for people who love Arabic food , a calorie counter for Arabic food

5) Mind over Matter
For all those men and women out there who eat because of nervousness and stress , remember that you cannot successfully lose weight when you are stressed . If you really need to eat while you are stressed , have a fresh juice carrot at hand . If you crave something salty and fried have homemade butter less popcorn or oven baked tortilla chips , but the best remedy is to think happy thoughts and don’t stress yourself out . Keep Smiling
Think positive and Think thin thoughts . Here is something that is really important. This works to psychologically motivate you to lose weight . Take a small piece of tape and put your goal weight on it and stick it on the scale where you would originally see your actual weight .It is important to have a practical weight loss figure .
Don’t take the tape off with the 15th of the month on the first day of the third week. On the 15th take of the tape check your weight and put the tape back on . Congratulate your self on the fabulous job you’ve done and continue the great work for the next half . Now you will have the confidence and the knowledge that you can in fact be consistent with your diet plan . Be true to yourself and try and do a better job for the next two weeks if you haven’t been totally committed.
Motivate yourself visually . PHOTOSHOP your face onto a picture of your ideal figure and look at it every time you have a craving , it will remind you of your goal and how fabulous you will look if you only follow through .
Think of all the praise you will get when you are thin and fabulous and all the clothes you can wear without trying to cover up .
Always remember that your favorite donut or French fries will not go anywhere a month from now . At the end of the month ,you will have guilt free meals when you are a fitter more beautiful you !
Remind yourself that you are in charge of yourself ! your stomach does not control you . Truly believe that eight loss is always about mind over matter.

This brings us to the end of today’s post . We hope we have been helpful and that at least a handful of people will reach success and a new all time LOW !  Stay tuned for much more on some very cool ,fun ways to exercise and a healthy low cal diet plan . Until then STAY FASHION FABULOUS !  

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Think Thin Thoughts ...

The way to that wonderfully narrow waist is often a winding road which normally starts with , what seems like huge resolve & enthusiasm , which in a weeks time leads to procrastination & hunger pangs. Lets not forget the moments of uncontrollable temptation, inevitably causing portion-less binging that sends most women into a trip to guiltsville . Special mention ; Hours spent in front of the mirror trying to visualize yourself being a size or two smaller .Chanting phrases like "I love myself" , "Im beautiful " or "I can do this" .

Ultimately we end up with the following results.

i) We lose a couple of pounds and are so happy with ourselves we eat to celebrate
ii) Lose one kg in one week and decide it just was not worth the trouble .
iii) Lose nothing because, in three days , we brainwashed ourselves into believing that our soul is more important than the body & that people should love us for who we are on the inside. This philosophy though true , always fails me moments before i have to zip up into a dress, before a night on the town .
iv) Sucess ! after losing 6-11 kgs after months of disciplined excercise & calorie counting in which event you really do not need to be reading this post , beacuse you finally found a weight lose attitude that works for you!  

If any of this ( excluding point iv) sounds like you , while on a diet , then you along with a lot of other women need an attitude overhaul . Read on ! Maybe Hommous N Higheels will be your saving grace . This time round lets try doing it differently .

Here are five weight watching attitude adjustments that will help you get into a sustained state of weight loss !

1) The indulgence before the abstinence.

Suppose you plan to go on diet from the 1st of the month . From the 23-24th of the previous month till the 1st, allow yourself a binging period.Weigh your self on the first day of binge week , but do not weigh yourself during ; the point of this week is carefree indulgence. Eat what you want , when u want it ! Go out to all your favourite restaurants and cook all your favourite desserts and eat all the good stuff in this one week . Dont worry about portions , I assure you once you've filled the tank you wouldnt want to eat for the rest of the day anyway .

There is only one catch . Before every meal , you need to have a glass of hot water . As hot , or as warm as your tongue can tolerate . Additionally have one cup of green tea (hot) without sugar every day.

After you have ended this luxurious week , weigh yourself again . Calculate how much weight you have put on  Is it 1-2,3-4 kgs ? Weighing yourself after binge week has the following advantages .

i) You know how fast your body puts on weight.
ii) You will scare yourself into eating less,beacuse you know how easy it is to put on weight & how difficult it is to lose it.
iii)You will be able to calculate your total weight loss at the end of your diet.

2) Mc Donald's isn't shutting down !

You have to understand that you are not going to be denying yourself your favourite things for the rest of your life. 30 days from now you will be thinner , prettier and healthier and you will be able to eat that fried chicken or chocolate chiffon cupcakes again.

Whenever you see someone enjoying something you like ,always say to yourself "In thirty days I will have that too " , " I'll be thinner and hotter and I will be able to indulge guilt free ! " .

3) Dont Stop it ; Swap it !
If we have not been through this before , let me tell you that from your first week of dieting, you are not recommended to have any food with a high calorie count . Since it is very difficult to go cold turkey , we thought up of a few cheats .

Sweet and low instead Sugar

Feta Cheese instead of cream , mozzarella , any other cheese .

Turkey or Chicken meat instead of nuggets , burgers and mortadella ( roast turkey mortadella is exceptable on occasion)

Energy bars instead of candy bars and chocolates

Angel food cake without icing instead of ordinary cream cake

Small amounts of olive oil instead of Butter

7-8 Salted roasted almonds instead of a bowl of potato chips

White bean dip instead of mayo and garlic paste

You can find your own cheats , all you have to keep in mind is that you find a substitute that is low cal and is a source of the same element like protein for protein  , or low carb for high carb .

Now that you have eliminated all the sources of fat and sugar in your diet , in the first week you should learn to gradually wean your self off a high carbohydrate diet . Many people equate carbohydrates with energy , but if you do not use all the energy that is available to the body from the carbohydrates , which is in the case of a sedentary lifestyle , the excess carbohydrates get converted into fat . But if you eliminate or eat very little carbohydrates while on a diet this work to shock your body into using the already stored deposits of fat in the body . However this method of diet should not be practiced for long periods of time,as it could lead to malnutrition in the body . It is ok to super charge your body into losing weight but if you return to consuming large amounts of carbohydrates immediately after a period of diet , then this weight loss effect will cancel it self . so what ever change you apply to your diet should be done gradually and over a period of a month or so.

This is only the first half of a two part post on thinking thin thoughts . We will be back tomorrow with the the rest of this post and lots more from weight loss tricks to fat free recipes. Also coming soon are 'Fun Ways to excercise" and how to put on a little weight in all the right places ! So stay tuned to Hommous N Higheels and stay FASHION FABULOUS

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sheila Show You Some Abayas? Latest Trends In Arabic Fashion!

Over the past decade the traditional garment of the Arab world has grown into a major style statement not only for the women that done this attire but also for many Fashionistas who love to enjoy this sensually mysterious ensemble . Gone are the days that the Abaya was only considered a norm of the muslim law . Today they are a symbol of style , status and most of all beauty . We applaud the designers of haute couture abayas for creating such lovely pieces of art while still maintaining the modesty of this majestic garment .

This season saw minimal use of embellishment and embroidery , as in the past. A large number of designers have experimented with silhouettes ,new cuts and a lovely array of fabrics that would otherwise not be found in this form of attire. Inspiration has been drawn from many different cultures ; chinese , persian ,french and indian to name a few . All in all , which ever be the case , we love this ensemble for oozing sensuality , modesty and class .

Here are a potpourri  of designs that are astoundingly pretty and will make fashionistas crave for an occassion to wear these Abayas.

F/W 2011 collections of Arabesque(topx2)& D.A.S(bottomx2)

F/W 2011 by Malaak and Slouchy Z

F/W 2011 collection by Effa and Queen of Spades 

Noblesse oblige (Top & Left)

 Surbhi Jaggi

 Hanayen (Top & Bottom)

 Mauzan (top&bottom)

We hope you have enjoyed a small visual into the fabulous culture of sheilas and abayas, as much as we did . Stay tuned for posts on traditional arabian fragrances for this season.

Disclaimer : Hommous N Higheels does not own any of the pictures in this post , all rights belong to the brands mentioned therein and used strictly for purpose of reference. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Plates of Glory !

If you are one of the millions of people that have been combating  FOOD craving while on a diet ….Consider  your self saved  , because today’s post is dedicated to the 5 F’s . what’s that ? you ask  ; now say it with me FASHION FABULOUS FAT FREE FOOD . Its not a myth , it’s a reality! Tasty food that’s mouth watering yet fat free. So after every workout that you’ve spent burning those calories , treat yourself to one of these delicious treats without feeling guilty.
Today we bring you recipes for a three course meal that’s oh so scrumptious and smooth on the thighs .   

5F Starter : White Bean and Garlic dip served with Potato Skin Dippers
½ Can of white beans (drained&washed)
1 Clove garlic
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
½ extra virgin olive oil
3-4 leaves of fresh mint

Add all the ingredients in the food processor starting with the beans . Pulse till smooth . Check for seasoning and add more if necessary .

For the Potato Skin Dippers

2 large potatoes
Oil & water spray (see below)

Scrub the potatoes and pat dry. Cut them in half length wise . Scoop out the insides ,leaving a shell about 5mm thick ( store insides for mashed potatoes or potato soap or cutlets). Cut each shell half lengthways in half . Oil-spray a non-stick baking sheet. Put the quarters ,skin side down ,on the sheet and spray lightly with oil-water spray. Bake in an oven preheated to 200C/400F/Gas6 for 25 to 35 mins, until golden brown and very crisp. Serve at once .

5F Entrée : Chicken & Broccoli stir fry

450 g Chicken Breast (about 2 breasts) cubed
2 cloved of garlic minced
2cm piece peeled fresh ginger ,minced
15ml soy sauce
1 tsp honey
10g cornflour
½ tsp salt
Pepper to taste
15ml /1 tsp olive oil or sesame oil
3 tsp vegetable oil
450g broccoli trimmed sliced stalks; medium florets

Mix half the ginger and garlic , soy,honey,salt,1tsp cornflour and olive oil in a bowl. Keep for 15 mins.

Mix the remaining corn flour with 80ml water.

Heat large non stick skillet on a high flame . Heat 1 ½   tsp of oil,add broccoli and stir fry for 1min . Add florets ,the remaining ginger and garlic, 30 ml water, pinch of salt and pepper . Stir for about two minutes . Transfer to plate.

Heat the skillet again and add 1 ½ tsp and heat. Add chicken and stir free till it loses its raw look& is a little browned (3-4 mins).Return the broccoli to the skillet and toss to heat through. Add the water and cornflour mix , bring to boil to thicken. Add more water to thin the sauce if necessary .

5F Dessert : Angel Food Cake   

12 egg whites
1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 teaspoons cream of tartar
1 1/2 cups sugar, divided
1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoons almond extract
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Beat egg whites and salt until foamy, add cream of tartar and continue to beat until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in the extracts and one cup of sugar (very slowly!) and continue to beat until stiff peaks form.
Sift remaining sugar and flour together. Gently fold flour/sugar mixture into the egg whites. Spoon the batter into an UNgreaseD 10 inch tube pan or two bread loaf pans. Bake for 30-35 minutes.
To cool, turn cake upsidedown. If your cake pan doesn\'t have legs to keep the cake suspended upside-down, balance over a couple of cans. he object is to cool the cake suspended. Remove cake from pan when completely cool.
Hints & Tips:
Egg white whip better at room temperature
Even the tiniest speck of yolk will keep the egg whites from whipping. Separate eggs in a separate bowl then pour the white into a larger bowl with the others. That way if you break one egg yolk, you won\'t waste the whole batch.
Make sure that your bowls and whipping utensils are grease free. The smallest amount of grease or oil will prevent the eggs from whipping (have I said that enough?).

We at HommousnHighheels will never give you a recipe that we have not tried ourselves so rest assured that these recipes are worth all the time and effort you will put in to it . So whether you are on a diet or not , you can binge on this as much as you like without having to worry about getting on that scale the next morning . 

Now to let you in on a Fat Free Magic Trick . If you have always loved fried food and are wary of diet or low fat food because you think it is tasteless , here is something that will change your mind . 
What if we told you, you  could enjoy all your favourite foods like chicken fillets, nuggets , fries and burgers while your on a diet ? Yes!  It is possible if you incorporate this one accessory into your cooking and adopt cooking methods like Oven frying . Its called an OIL&WATER spray .
Take a small spray bottle and mix 1/8 part vegetable oil or olive oil and 7/8 parts water. Store it in a cool dry place . Use this to grease a pan or spray on top of meat , vegetables , and other places where you would otherwise use butter or oil . What this spray does is , it allows you to spray only a very thin layer of oil , which is more than enough for oven frying .

As all our  Fashion savvy  readers know , 5F foods are not enough . Along with a healthy diet , exercise is important . Exercise does not always need to be boring and monotonous . Stay tuned for more on Exercise and diets , until then stay Fashion Fabulous ! 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Orange fever

I'm back to begin this week with a splash of COLOUR ! And what a color it is . After last year's honey suckle (Pantone-18 2120) which was a sweet shade of pink ,that brought a warm and feminine feel to the fashion palette ; this year Pantone presents TANGERINE TANGO  as the fashion colour of 2012 .“Sophisticated but at the same time dramatic and seductive, Tangerine Tango is an orange with a lot of depth to it,” said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. “Reminiscent of the radiant shadings of a sunset, Tangerine Tango marries the vivaciousness and adrenaline rush of red with the friendliness and warmth of yellow, to form a high-visibility, magnetic hue that emanates heat and energy.” This is a bold , rebellious yet classy colour . A deep shade of orange that almost meets a red but doesnt quite get there. This  sunrise shade promises to bring with it hope , courage and alot of good luck for the year 2012 and for all of us here at Hommous N Highheels , a lot of Fashion Fabulousness! 

After hours of scouring the malls for everything in tangerine here are our Best Picks for this season . 

Thats not all ......we also have accessories .

Top to Bottom &Left to Right: Mango , Claires , Accessorize , Shoes x3 by Steve Madden

So go out and shop shop shop ! If you like the colour thats good , but its not a good idea to paint your whole wardrobe this colour . Stay tuned cause we are also going to let you in on the next season's color palette.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Winter Swank For the Gentlemen

As anyone in the high fashion circuit would agree, this post is several months too late.  Hence this disclaimer , since Abudhabi has only just begun to get chilly.  So here are the Fall /Winter 2011 trends suited for those welcome winds of our Arabian winter .

This season , menswear trends proceed with a hint of last year's key pieces while also displaying new trends .
First up are the cream of the crop , with brands like Gucci , Armani (above) and Hugo Boss displaying a wonderful array of formal wear with fresh new cuts. Black, blue ,maroon, rust, dark purple, mustard,chocolate and brown are all favourites this season with grey making a huge come back.

We absolutely loved Gucci for their use of colour and fine tailoring, the predominant colour at Gucci being a very suave cool grey with hints of blue and rust for suits, tight jackets and trenches.

Lanvin makes buttons obsolete  this winter with the use of magnets for closures. Wide brimmed hats are this seasons pick for the ultimate male accessory ( below).

Hugo Boss as usual lives up to its high standards in high fashion for men , with fine tailored , close fit suits and trenches in contemporary  colours like cerulian blue and shades of cool grey . Check out the boss black collection F/W/2011. Mens clothing can never get better than the Boss Selection .

Calvin Klein's was a collection based on functionality and protection. This collection contradicted this season's slim lean looks by offering a beautiful observation of more rounded, barrel chested look. Calvin Klein F/W2011 sings retro-futurism back into fashion.

The best picks for formal men's wear this season ; Hugo Boss, Gucci, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren and Lanvin.
(Bottom-top row left to right : Calvin Klein , Calvin Klein , Calvin Klein , Ralph Lauren , Gucci , Gucci )

For those men lucky enough to have casual thursdays at the work place and for every other casual day , here are this season's hottest trends for casual & semi casual attire. (Above - bottom row right to left Diesel , Diesel , Ralph Lauren Burberry Prorsum x 3)

Preppy and stylish looks by Dolce&Gabbana with a bow tie to match every outfit. We love the socks-less look with the continuing trend of wayfarer glasses. White , black, denims and graphic loose fit or sleeveless t-shirts are all in vogue this season.

Diesel does the grunge look with style. Layered looks with sweat shirts for inners and an outer denim or army jacket. Army boots with contrasting laces, slim fit jeans and ruffled hairstyles is a very popular look for those urban chic fashion lovers .

Ralph Lauren maintains its signature style ,yet keeps up to the forecast for this season. Bright colours, roll-up trousers coupled with lush, oversized cable knit sweaters. Polo shirts & T-shirts are the norm this season as well .
Etro ,this season featured a lot of very stylish preppy semi casual and casual attire . We applaud them for their use of colour ; maroon,dark green, brown and lets not forget there very trendy range of slim fit ,ankle pants and jodhpur trousers , in an array of checks and plaid fabric.

Looks from the last F/W season that have made a comeback ; the army look with its over sized trenches, leather jackets and army boots ; the loose fitting cable knit sweaters and close knit jersey vests over slim shirts.
This brings us to the end of this post. Now that you have been educated in the ways of the fashion world, you should have no trouble maneuvering yourself through the myriad of designer stores. Remember gentlemen , always try on a look before you buy it . Check the fit and cut to see if it suits your body type. Be confident about being able to carry a look ! Its good to try something different once in a while or even change your style. Whatever the style; panache ,class & personality are key to any ensemble.

Till next time ....keep up the FASHION FABULOUSNESS !!!! :)