Saturday, January 14, 2012

Think Thin Thoughts ... part 2

Here’s part two of the Think Thin Thought post . For those who will not take the time to scroll back to last time’s post , here is a quick recap for a little added incentive .  We discussed binge week before the actual diet , the most logical way to stop craving by realizing that all your favorite  food wont run away and how to find healthy cheats (food substitutes )when on diet .
Now we will really get down to the business of mentally challenging the body to lose weight !
4)Don’t  stalk the weighing scale
This is a mistake most novices make . Have you found your self weighing your self every six hours and obsessing over why you don’t weigh at least 500g less . An important bit of scientific bit of information . The capacity of the stomach is about 1-1 ½ kgs ,depending on your body type , so when you weigh yourself after a meal or even after drinking a liter of water your scale will show that you are that much heavier . Weighing your self on a daily basis can often be discouraging let alone misleading . So please ladies , leave your scale alone . The best way to keep track of your weight is to weigh your self every week and preferably in the morning on an empty stomach .

Let your calorie intake be your measure while on your diet . A normal woman with an  average amount of exercise (moving around ,walking ,climbing stairs and other daily activity) would require about 2000 calories per day to maintain her weight . In order to lose weight  , you need to consume up to 1500 calories to be able to tip the scales and begin to lose weight .However with this calorie intake you will lose weight very very gradually . If you consume this amount but exercise or workout for an hour every day your weight lose should double or even triple for very obese people . If you are one of those people who hate exercise then consuming lesser calories should result in weight loss but it will be inevitable to regain this weight once you start eating normally again . So the best way to keep of the way is to invest your time in doing exercise instead of starving yourself . There are many ways of exercising ,that are fun and not monotonous .
Several women claim to lose weight by consuming only upto 1000 calories or less . WARNING- A diet of less than 800 calories a day can lead to adverse health problems , such as acidity,fainting spells,heat stroke , low sugar and stomach ulcers , non of which are worth the trouble to loss a couple of pounds .
To find out how many calories you need to consume according to your body type click here
Here is a handy calorie counter according to every food’s calorific value.
Heres is one for Indian Food for those who have a tough time calculating calories for every vegetable found in a typical Indian curry

And finally and most importantly for people who love Arabic food , a calorie counter for Arabic food

5) Mind over Matter
For all those men and women out there who eat because of nervousness and stress , remember that you cannot successfully lose weight when you are stressed . If you really need to eat while you are stressed , have a fresh juice carrot at hand . If you crave something salty and fried have homemade butter less popcorn or oven baked tortilla chips , but the best remedy is to think happy thoughts and don’t stress yourself out . Keep Smiling
Think positive and Think thin thoughts . Here is something that is really important. This works to psychologically motivate you to lose weight . Take a small piece of tape and put your goal weight on it and stick it on the scale where you would originally see your actual weight .It is important to have a practical weight loss figure .
Don’t take the tape off with the 15th of the month on the first day of the third week. On the 15th take of the tape check your weight and put the tape back on . Congratulate your self on the fabulous job you’ve done and continue the great work for the next half . Now you will have the confidence and the knowledge that you can in fact be consistent with your diet plan . Be true to yourself and try and do a better job for the next two weeks if you haven’t been totally committed.
Motivate yourself visually . PHOTOSHOP your face onto a picture of your ideal figure and look at it every time you have a craving , it will remind you of your goal and how fabulous you will look if you only follow through .
Think of all the praise you will get when you are thin and fabulous and all the clothes you can wear without trying to cover up .
Always remember that your favorite donut or French fries will not go anywhere a month from now . At the end of the month ,you will have guilt free meals when you are a fitter more beautiful you !
Remind yourself that you are in charge of yourself ! your stomach does not control you . Truly believe that eight loss is always about mind over matter.

This brings us to the end of today’s post . We hope we have been helpful and that at least a handful of people will reach success and a new all time LOW !  Stay tuned for much more on some very cool ,fun ways to exercise and a healthy low cal diet plan . Until then STAY FASHION FABULOUS !  

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