Thursday, January 12, 2012

Think Thin Thoughts ...

The way to that wonderfully narrow waist is often a winding road which normally starts with , what seems like huge resolve & enthusiasm , which in a weeks time leads to procrastination & hunger pangs. Lets not forget the moments of uncontrollable temptation, inevitably causing portion-less binging that sends most women into a trip to guiltsville . Special mention ; Hours spent in front of the mirror trying to visualize yourself being a size or two smaller .Chanting phrases like "I love myself" , "Im beautiful " or "I can do this" .

Ultimately we end up with the following results.

i) We lose a couple of pounds and are so happy with ourselves we eat to celebrate
ii) Lose one kg in one week and decide it just was not worth the trouble .
iii) Lose nothing because, in three days , we brainwashed ourselves into believing that our soul is more important than the body & that people should love us for who we are on the inside. This philosophy though true , always fails me moments before i have to zip up into a dress, before a night on the town .
iv) Sucess ! after losing 6-11 kgs after months of disciplined excercise & calorie counting in which event you really do not need to be reading this post , beacuse you finally found a weight lose attitude that works for you!  

If any of this ( excluding point iv) sounds like you , while on a diet , then you along with a lot of other women need an attitude overhaul . Read on ! Maybe Hommous N Higheels will be your saving grace . This time round lets try doing it differently .

Here are five weight watching attitude adjustments that will help you get into a sustained state of weight loss !

1) The indulgence before the abstinence.

Suppose you plan to go on diet from the 1st of the month . From the 23-24th of the previous month till the 1st, allow yourself a binging period.Weigh your self on the first day of binge week , but do not weigh yourself during ; the point of this week is carefree indulgence. Eat what you want , when u want it ! Go out to all your favourite restaurants and cook all your favourite desserts and eat all the good stuff in this one week . Dont worry about portions , I assure you once you've filled the tank you wouldnt want to eat for the rest of the day anyway .

There is only one catch . Before every meal , you need to have a glass of hot water . As hot , or as warm as your tongue can tolerate . Additionally have one cup of green tea (hot) without sugar every day.

After you have ended this luxurious week , weigh yourself again . Calculate how much weight you have put on  Is it 1-2,3-4 kgs ? Weighing yourself after binge week has the following advantages .

i) You know how fast your body puts on weight.
ii) You will scare yourself into eating less,beacuse you know how easy it is to put on weight & how difficult it is to lose it.
iii)You will be able to calculate your total weight loss at the end of your diet.

2) Mc Donald's isn't shutting down !

You have to understand that you are not going to be denying yourself your favourite things for the rest of your life. 30 days from now you will be thinner , prettier and healthier and you will be able to eat that fried chicken or chocolate chiffon cupcakes again.

Whenever you see someone enjoying something you like ,always say to yourself "In thirty days I will have that too " , " I'll be thinner and hotter and I will be able to indulge guilt free ! " .

3) Dont Stop it ; Swap it !
If we have not been through this before , let me tell you that from your first week of dieting, you are not recommended to have any food with a high calorie count . Since it is very difficult to go cold turkey , we thought up of a few cheats .

Sweet and low instead Sugar

Feta Cheese instead of cream , mozzarella , any other cheese .

Turkey or Chicken meat instead of nuggets , burgers and mortadella ( roast turkey mortadella is exceptable on occasion)

Energy bars instead of candy bars and chocolates

Angel food cake without icing instead of ordinary cream cake

Small amounts of olive oil instead of Butter

7-8 Salted roasted almonds instead of a bowl of potato chips

White bean dip instead of mayo and garlic paste

You can find your own cheats , all you have to keep in mind is that you find a substitute that is low cal and is a source of the same element like protein for protein  , or low carb for high carb .

Now that you have eliminated all the sources of fat and sugar in your diet , in the first week you should learn to gradually wean your self off a high carbohydrate diet . Many people equate carbohydrates with energy , but if you do not use all the energy that is available to the body from the carbohydrates , which is in the case of a sedentary lifestyle , the excess carbohydrates get converted into fat . But if you eliminate or eat very little carbohydrates while on a diet this work to shock your body into using the already stored deposits of fat in the body . However this method of diet should not be practiced for long periods of time,as it could lead to malnutrition in the body . It is ok to super charge your body into losing weight but if you return to consuming large amounts of carbohydrates immediately after a period of diet , then this weight loss effect will cancel it self . so what ever change you apply to your diet should be done gradually and over a period of a month or so.

This is only the first half of a two part post on thinking thin thoughts . We will be back tomorrow with the the rest of this post and lots more from weight loss tricks to fat free recipes. Also coming soon are 'Fun Ways to excercise" and how to put on a little weight in all the right places ! So stay tuned to Hommous N Higheels and stay FASHION FABULOUS

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